

equivalent to what? equivalent to what? equivalent to what? privacy plantings privacy plantings privacy plantings realism succumbing to abstraction or is it the other way around realism succumbing to abstraction or is it the other way around realism succumbing to abstraction or is it the other way around that which is no longer there, if it ever was that which is no longer there, if it ever was that which is no longer there, if it ever was meandering with purpose meandering with purpose meandering with purpose concrete photographs concrete photographs concrete photographs potential of pixels potential of pixels potential of pixels charting color on a neutral ground charting color on a neutral ground charting color on a neutral ground an extended horizon an extended horizon an extended horizon utilitarian abstraction details utilitarian abstraction details utilitarian abstraction details utilitarian abstraction utilitarian abstraction utilitarian abstraction a layered history of art a layered history of art a layered history of art monochromatic fields monochromatic fields monochromatic fields test strips test strips test strips art as paper as potential art as paper as potential art as paper as potential architectural intersections architectural intersections architectural intersections a year at a glance a year at a glance a year at a glance between here and there between here and there between here and there below the surface below the surface below the surface platic on paper platic on paper platic on paper cover to cover cover to cover cover to cover interstate landscapes interstate landscapes interstate landscapes plant detritus plant detritus plant detritus spaces in between spaces in between spaces in between transubstantiation transubstantiation transubstantiation rorschach bible pages rorschach bible pages rorschach bible pages